Early morning...fixed a breakfast tray to take out to the garden...Sumatra Black Satin coffee prepared in a French Press, yogurt with fresh strawberries and blueberries, and a mini bagel. Dining by the roses with birds chirping...priceless!
A bit of re-arranging is in order. That awkward area above my kitchen cabinets...moved two empty wine crates up there. Cookbooks now reside in them, with some vintagey items sitting on top. Moved the plate rack that I was going to paint up there and now have the Fiestaware displayed in the rack. A wine rack...holding two lovely bottles of 'two-buck Chuck' Merlot and Shiraz. A new view, and a little color splash for the ho-hum renter's kitchen.
After mopping the floor (where does all of this dirt come from?), I've moved a small kitchen bar set to the center of the room. Next "TO DO": clear out the refrigerator and make a grocery list for shopping at Sam's Club tomorrow morning.
Got my hands on a little electrical "thing" for the sunporch. It screws into the light socket and provides 2 electrical outlets AND a socket for a lightbulb. That solves my ~~no electricity on the porch~~problem.
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