I was tagged by Melissa @ The Inspired Room to play this game...she called it Four Things I'd Rather Do Than Paint My Bathroom Cabinet. I would have to say that I also hate to paint. It makes such a drastic improvement (unless you're really a sloppy painter like me), and it's the most cost-effective way to make a change...especially if you use "Whoops!" paint from Lowes or Home Depot. I've been rather busy the past few days preparing for Thanksgiving guests...cleaning, rearranging, shopping for groceries, planning...the whole deal, so I'm calling my tag Four Things I'd Rather Be Doing Than Being in Extreme Planning Hysteria. Here goes, starting with the basic rules of the game...
Four Jobs I Have Had:
- Office Co-ordinator for a major commercial food equipment manufacturer
- Food & Beverage Manager for a hotel
- Clerk in an old-timey country store
- Library clerk and college student (current)
Four Places I Have Lived:
- Ohio
- Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
- Pompano Beach, Florida
- Indiana
Four Places I Have Been on Holiday: - Montreal
- Virginia Beach
- Key West
- Phoenix
Four Favorite Foods:
- Breaded Tenderloin sandwiches from Gerst Haus
- Progresso Hearty Tomato Soup and grilled cheese sandwiches
- "All American" pot roast, mashed potatoes & gravy
- Almost any Mexican food
And finally,
Four Places I'd Rather Be
- Sitting on the porch, (someplace spring-like or autumn-like) with a stack of magazines beside me, a pitcher of iced tea at hand, relaxing.
- Key West...in a beach bar with friends watching the sunset
- Italy...anywhere in Italy
- Home...there's no place like it!
I would like to tag:
Bristol from Cottage By the River
BJ from Sweet Nothings
Kathy from Shocking Pink ThreadRosie's Whimsy
Oh, boy, another tag game...thanks for thinking of me and I'll post my tag in the morning. I've already posted about 3 times today. haha
Thanks again, bj
Yippee!! Thanks for the tag.... wait for it... wait for it.....
I'll be posting soon and I've got three tags to catch up on......
I'd like to join you being a clerk in an old-timey country store located somewhere in Key West and taking a lunch break at a Mexican restaurant!!
What a treat! I've never been tagged before! Thanks for thinking of me! I would love to escape to my front porch with a pile of magazines and a cool drink but right now there is snow on the ground and the wind is blowing....
Oh how fun to read these little facts about you! Thanks for playing along!
I love pot roast too. Yummy!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Got my tag posted and it was fun...thanks again!
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