I have to work all weekend, so today's my day off. I'm going to work on a few ideas for holiday gifts, shop for groceries, and maybe go to a little fabric shop out in the country if today's one of their "open" days. I would like to find some Amy Butler fabric in anticipation of getting my patchwork book from Amazon. I already have Amy Butler In Stitches and there are a few cute, quick ideas for gifts in it.
My big project after work yesterday was programming my thermostat. When I walked into the house after work, it was 55 degrees. I always have the countdown 'til turning on the heat...as I get older, it gets earlier. I usually like to hold out until Thanksgiving (especially if I have company!!), but I had to do it yesterday...so sad...
Oh I know! I tried to hold out until Nov 1 but I was so cold the week before I HAD to turn it up (at least in the a.m.). It's hard getting up in a cold house when it's still dark outside!
Enjoy your day off!
We have had our heat on for about a week...at night mostly...
Hope you had a great day off!
p.s. thanks for saying such nice things about my mosaic teacart!
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