For some reason or other, I keep finding books that I must bring home from work. The stack beside my chair has grown precariously tall.

This is the time of year when some of my favorite fiction authors have new releases. I don't read lots of fiction...but spring and summer seem to call for easier, breezier reads.

Crafty books are always a fascinating diversion.

This book (above) has been highly recommended by several co-workers. I was attracted to the cover when I first saw it...yes...I do judge a book by its cover!

I've been wanting to read the Country Living Crafting A Business book for several months. It seems to be put together like the Victoria "Business of Bliss" series from a few years ago.

I read a review of Shakespeare's Wife a few months ago...non-fiction.

This book about life in the library is absolutely hysterical! The writing style is easy, breezy...but it holds many truths. It's definitely a "must read" for anyone in public service.
With just one more class (Monday evening---final exam), I'll finally have more time for leisurely reading. Now, if I can just get this last paper finished...
I'm definitely going to have to follow-up on a few of these. I love to read, too.
What fun to find a stack of books here. Did you enjoy "Shakespeare's Wife"? I, too, judge by a cover even as I realize that it's never the best way to judge.
I'll be interested to know your further reviews!
Thanks for sharing these books. I love to read, I was just lost in the library yesterday. My sister loved the book Bead One, Pray Too. I haven't read any of these, and each one looks like a good read. Thanks also for your comments on my post about empty nest. I love being alone creating, and you are right my new chapter will allow me to create at 2 AM if I feel like it. Have a lovely weekend. Karen
Hi Teresa :)
I love to read, but can never find the time. I think I'll have to make time for Shakespeare's Wife though. It looks very interesting :)
Have a beautiful Sunday,
That was one of the "perils" of working at the library...there were always far more books I wanted to take home than I would ever have time to read!! LOL
I saw some titles in your stack that I want to check out...let me know what you think of the book on prayer beads.
The Jennifer Weiner, Certain Girls is on my list. The Dairy Queen looks interesting. I too pick books by their pretty covers. I find I can read a lot more during the summer since I am not teaching!! Have a great week!
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