Here's my little collection of pinks for
Beverly's Pink Saturday. The Fiestaware sits high atop my kitchen cupboards. I would have climbed up to take just the pink out, but I think it stands out among the other colors. The teacup and floral arrangement on row 2 is a Pay-It-Forward craft/gift from Mary at
Little Red House. Pink geraniums line the staircase to my home. I love the pink veins in the coleus on my front porch...very vivid in real life. The heart, center in row three is a purchase from Kathy at
Kathy's Cottage.
Soft cotton pink chenille yarn. Since I don't know what I'm going to make with it, I'm quite happy to see it displayed in this old wooden bowl alongside rosewood knitting needles.

Another shot of the geraniums. They're exceptionally prolific this year...could it be the Miracle Gro?

This final pink picture is on my "wanted" list. I love poppies, but have none. Aren't these beautiful? They're available from White Flower Farm...."Helen Elizabeth".
Teresa, I'm so glad you're doing Pink Saturday with us.
And, I love your collage. I have been on the hunt for a pink Fiesta pitcher, but haven't found one that agrees with my $$ limit.
Those pink poppies are gorgeous. I didn't even know they were available.
Miracle Grow is a "good thing".
Teresa, love your pink. That pink yard would make something special for a new baby.
Hi Teresa, Your collage of "pink" is lovely!....And I'm with you with the "poppies"! I don't have any either, but so want to!!!...and don't you love White Flower Farm!!! Have ordered many, many times & been so very happy!... Have a great weekend!...Heidi :)
Your pink is so gorgeous!! And the poppies, I so agree with you- they are awesome!!! :) xo!
I love your pink collage. :)
Everything looks great. I love the flowers (and miracle grow LOL!). I also like the pink yarn. I'm sure it will knit up very pretty.
take care,
Beautiful pink collage! Love the poppies, too! ~Rhonda
Hi, Teresa! LOVELY pink post...those pink poppies are so charming...like the pink tissue paper flowers of childhood! Happy Summer Days! ((HUGS))
Loving your wonderful photos...I also like the way you've displayed your knitting in the wooden bowl...very nice and giving me ideas.
Such beautiful pink photos. Of all of them, the pink coleus really stands out to me. It is such a simple plant but so interesting and pretty.
Love those poppies, I also love the salmon colored poppies but have neither.
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