The New To-Do:
- Decide how to finish the sewing machine table. New thoughts--black accents on the white table.
- Continue organizing sewing and crafting things.
- Make a list for JoAnn Fabric shopping tomorrow. Six 40% off coupons and I'm not afraid to use them all!
- Make a major restocking pantry list, also for tomorrow
- Major, and most important To Do--make the decision TODAY if I want to return to school next week, or wait until the new semester in January. Having this summer off has been great; I know that I want to continue and get a Masters, but it seems like I've been struck with lots of creative inspiration lately, and I don't want to stifle that...it's been years since I've started and finished so many projects, and if I go back to school now, it will cut into that creative time. Of course, the sooner I start, the sooner I'll finish...and I'm not getting any younger.
My advice is to go with the flow. Submit to what is working for you now. We are destined to live and work with the ebbs and flows of life.
I enjoyed seeing your collage of to-dos. If the creative bug has bitten, just welcome it and have fun whenever you get the chance.
There's always so much to do, isn't there?
You know me Teresa....I say ride the creative wave while it is flowing!!!!
I always love seeing the things you are working on, it continually inspires me and pushes me to try new things!!!
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