Is anyone else eager to get past the November elections and get on with life? Can change happen? Will it just be business as usual? Will the sniping end?
It's been awhile...as usual, not much going on. As I look through photos on my phone, I decided to do a little blog post. Last Monday...
I thought I was the only one who felt this way. I am so tired of people ( we won't mention any names) building themselves up by tearing others down. Isn't this the classic definition of a bully. Oh well, let's just get it over with. I am hoping for change, but I am not really sure it is possible with so many lobbyists and special interests hanging out in DC. Okay, now I feel a bit better.
Yes I am so wanting Nov. to get here and then go. I am getting tired of all the mud being tossed back and forth. I am not looking for the Change to happen like every keeps talking about. Some how it does not seem possible. Only God can bring Change.
Have a great Friday
I completely agree. If we could get rid of this crazy two party system and people could vote for someone they really felt would change things I would be happy. Alas, until that day we will be stuck with only two choices that actually have a chance to win and both are politicians who will say what is needed to get elected. Oh well, I do think we will be getting much needed rain in the Midwest. Hurray for that!Have a lovely weekend, P.
We're waiting for Hanna. The day started with clear blue skies, and now it is totally overcast and getting windy.
Yes, I will be glad when this election is decided. And no, I don't really believe there will be a change. Although, I do believe change is possible. I just think that most Americans are complacent. We are too comfortable in our lifestyles to care enough to get out and make change happen. But, most of us are pretty good at complaining. I wonder what our forefathers would think of us.
I agree wholeheartedly about getting past the elections and the sniping. I find it somewhat ironic that we talk about keeping peace and yet constantly have this barrage of "war" between one political party or another. It's sad.
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