This is where I'm going to be today...on the Overdrive Digital Media Bookmobile. The Bookmobile is setting up shop at the Evansville West Side Nut Club Fall Festival, the second largest food festival in the U.S., second only to Mardi Gras. The Festival is a week long opportunity for groups to raise money for their cause...band boosters, drill teams, churches, schools, animal shelters, etc. This is the place to be to see old friends you haven't seen since the last fall festival. Now about those food booths...it's all about everything fried...a grease-fest, so to speak. Fried Twinkies, Snicker bars, the ominous Brain Sandwiches (remember, this is Evansville), and all assorted things you can think of --and some you can't--deep fried.
Now...about the Overdrive Digital Media Bookmobile...check with your local library to see if they offer this fantastic, FREE feature. If your library subscribes to this, you can download audiobooks, MP3 books, DVDs, readable books via your computer screen, and so much more. You can do all of this from your home computer with your library card! The libraries usually have a download station available, so you can bring in your MP3 player or IPod and load up on music or audiobooks right at your library. The downloads are also available via your home computer. It's pretty cool.
We will be promoting this great new feature for our library at the festival all day today. Should be fun!
Wow! That does sound cool. I must call the town librarian...my daughter-in-law...I've never heard her talk about it, though.
Grease-fest...yes, that's an apt description. Brain sandwiches? Oh dear...haven't heard of those before. A local delicacy I take it.
Have fun!
I am so glad I don't have to go to the Fall Fest for anything! I don't understand the attraction. Lucky you!
Happy Pink sat,I love your header witht he vinatge aliminum cups and hygranges.The halloween decor and Log Cabin is awesome.I loe log cabins.Hus Jen
I love bookmobiles! I used to use one each summer when I was a teen. Happy Pink Saturday ;-)
Stop by and check out my post. I'm giving away 3 books!
Cool event, and YAY! for the Bookmobile. But brain sandwiches? EUuueewwww!
love your header, as kids we used to drink out of tin glasses the same color!!!!
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