
A place to work...

Workspace unplugged...isn't this a nice clean uncluttered work area? I crave uncluttered space, but it's sorely lacking in my home.

Photo: Coastal Living


Cottage Rose said...

Hello Teresa; I wish I could keep my home uncluttered like the photo. I do try to, but then life happens, and my hubby. ha ha. So I guess I will have to just look and wish I had that look all the time. sigh.....

Have a great week.


Pam @ Frippery said...

Heaven at the front door! I love it! I doubt that I could keep it so tidy but I do crave order. I think modern lives have become so scattered that we are all looking for more simplicity.Thanks for sharing this oasis Theresa.

Anonymous said...

It is really beautiful. I wish my desk was so clutter free.

Jen Kershner said...

It would seem that I rarely have an uncluttered spot in my house. At least not when the family is at home!

Peggy said...

It my dream to be uncluttered. But at 64 I realize that although I complain about my clutter it is a part of my life. When I look around at the piles of great decorating and inspirational magazines, my art stuff, the untried recipes, and multitudes of family pictures, I know that without these the house just wouldn't be me. It is my souveniers, and bits of my personality that dot the house and make it a home. And I love it that way.A sterile environment would not be for me.(see my post at season-to-season.blogspot.com) Peggy from PA

Catching Up

  It's been awhile...as usual, not much going on.  As I look through photos on my phone, I decided to do a little blog post. Last Monday...