Photo: Jeanne d Arc Living
This weekend is always an 'overload' weekend in our household. My daughter's birthday was yesterday...it always hits close to Mother's Day, and this year we have a college graduation thrown into the mix. It makes for a full weekend.
We had the best time yesterday, shopping for 'career' clothing for Megan's new job. We then spent a bit of time in the estrogen-infused atmosphere of our newly-opened Sephora. The ringing of the cash register didn't indicate an economic downturn. What a fabulous place! I usually purchase cosmetics at CVS or WalMart, so there was sticker shock involved...but Megan bought a Bare Minerals 'starter kit' for me for Mother's Day. The shopping was followed by lunch at Maxine's...hands down, our favorite place to eat.
The fun continues this afternoon...
I'm Googling "Sephora" as soon as I leave here. Obviously, I'm living under a rock.
Sounds like a wonderful, busy weekend with many reasons to celebrate. Enjoy your new cosmetics...I've heard lots of good things about Bare Minerals.
Congrats to Megan on her new job!
Okay, I want that Clarisonic skin care thingy. Guess that at $225, I'll be waiting for a while.
Gee, I learn something new every day...thanks!
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