
Mosaic Monday, Norwegian Style

Once again, I find myself clicking through Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian blogs...all of the photography is so beautiful. I love the zinc, white, and greenery. Poor man's silver (silvered glass) is something I've been collecting for the past few years. Nice, since it doesn't tarnish. The best part of looking at these blogs is the automatic translation of the pages with Google Translate. It's the best!

Visit Mary at Little Red House for more Monday Mosaics.

Photos: Ellis, Country by Mail, and Country House; mosaic uploaded by me


Ebie said...

Lovely collection! My favorite is the Christmas tree next to the candelabra!

Happy Holidays!

Ebie's Mosaic.

Pauline Wiles said...

I love this pure, simple look. Your poor man's silver is now hot property, too!

eileeninmd said...

Your collection is beautiful! I have also used the google translator, its fun!

Lena said...

Your mosaic is beautiful! I love it.

Leslie said...

Lovely photos. Love the peaceful colors.

ch said...

Crisp and clean! A beautiful interpretation of the season!

Claudia said...

simple and beautiful-- i agree

but then... so is your blog.

TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥

Unknown said...

Pretty choice of photos for your mosaic!
Merry Merry!
~Really Rainey~

Amanda at 32˙North said...

I love the silvers and greens together.

Mary said...

oh so very lovely! thanks for sharing these beautiful images at mm, and have a wonderful holiday, teresa! :)

bBchronicles said...

Great collection - I like the combination of silver and white in your photos.

Chie Wilks said...

great photos of ur mosaic...is this what they called white christmas? aside from having snow, i guess having white Christmas decors can be also called white christmas

mine is here

Susan at Charm of the Carolines said...

Beautiful, beautiful website. Simply eye candy! Thanks for sharing.

Susan at Charm of the Carolines

Michelle @ Sweet Something Design said...

I love that color pallet too...the mercury glass...love the wire noel
great mosaic!

Foley said...

You have such beautiful pieces...I love the mantle in your header!!

Unknown said...

Breathtaking mosaics, lovely decor.

Merry Christmas ~
TTFN ~Marydon

Niesz Vintage Home said...

Lovely mosaic!
I love the clean simple look of that type of decorating.

Kimberly :)

Vee said...

Your mosaic is exquisite...I've visited it before...twice! Thank you for stopping by and wishing me a happy day. It was a good one.

Find myself also wishing that it were over, but realizing that it is because I am stewing and fretting over things I can do nothing about instead of enjoying each moment as it comes. Today, I am enjoying a clean sink because someone else did the dishes last night. Yay!

Vee said...

I should be more specific...wishing that Christmas were over. The other sounds way too drastic.

Catching Up

  It's been awhile...as usual, not much going on.  As I look through photos on my phone, I decided to do a little blog post. Last Monday...