Happy May! I've finally made it through the toughest ten weeks of school...weeks filled with hours of reading, research and writing...lots of writing and collaboration with schoolmates on projects and final assignments. The final project was writing a grant--my partner and I wrote a grant that we actually will submit--most others wrote a "fantasy grant" to fulfull the requirements of the course. Graduation is next weekend, but classes are over. Now what will I do with a Master of Science, Public Service Administration? Any ideas are welcome...
The house and garden have been neglected, so I hope to take those extra hours I have while not working to remedy that situation. I purchased a few plants yesterday to join my seedlings outside.
Time to get back to normal, whatever that is...
Happy Birthday Randy and Patty!
Congratulations on finishing school, you have persevered and now hopefully there will rewards to reap!
welcome back! congratulations on the
grant writing and finishing school!
Congrats on your graduation! What a wonderful accomplishment. Now just relax in the garden for awhile and stop and smell the flowers.
Hugs N herbal Blessings, Mandy
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