
Cyber Monday, after a nice long weekend

On my list of To Do's (or rather, To Buy's), my main item was a 2017 planner from OneCanoeTwo. 50% off between noon and 1 PM today.  Tah dah...done!
I'm definitely not much of a shopper, especially "in person", and especially at this time of year.  I do love on-line shopping, especially with a nice discount.  Gotta admit, this planner is for me.  All of my other shopping is nearly finished, with most of it done on-line earlier this month, or in the little shop I work in once or twice a month on Sundays.

It was a super-nice four day weekend, divided between hanging out at home in pajamas, and hanging out at my daughter's home and being amused, entertained, and enchanted by Vivian Rose.

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